How do you help when someone’s child is feeling under the weather?


Have you ever had a friend with a sick child and just not known how to help? I know I’ve felt this way so many times. It’s hard to know what to do, and often, I’ll end up doing nothing, because of the unknown. But, I want to be better at that. To show the people I love that I care and that I want to help ease their load.

I know when my kids are sick, the little things mean so much. A text while they’re at the grocery store, asking if you need anything while they’re there, some oranges to help little immune systems, a simple meal thoughtfully dropped off. Just knowing you’re cared about and have people there for you means the world.

To help me learn how to better serve those around me, I asked some friends for opinions on what the most helpful things would be for them, when their child is under the weather.

Here’s what they shared:

“I think a dinner would be really helpful. Like an easy rotisserie chicken and bag of pre-made salad. A kind text. Maybe a cute little surprise for the kid (if they are old enough) on the front door like a cookie and a balloon.” -Katie

“I grab a Papa Murphy’s $5 pizza and drop it by or I keep a sprite and gatorade in my storage room (because I swear my kids always get sick in the middle of the night or when Brett’s (her husband) out of town), so I’ll drop one by with a note. Or just a call or text. Pizza is always good for when people live out of state and you want to do something, but you’re not there. You can always have one delivered.” -Heather

“I always appreciate when other people share new remedies like epsom salt baths or essential oils, or excellent diaper rash creams.” -Ellie

“I have a friend who’s neighbor brought chicken noodle soup when she was sick! I feel like I can handle things when my kids are sick but when I catch what they had (usually right after they are feeling better) then it’s hard to keep up with everything, so dinner is nice or even just a few survival items like a Gatorade, and a can of chicken noodle soup so you can take care of yourself while caring for the kids.

Also, when Maddy(her daughter) was sick and couldn’t play outside a few weeks ago a neighbor girl left a hand drawn note at the door. It meant a lot to Maddy and was a nice way to keep in touch with friends when we couldn’t play. Plus, it gave us something to do since she instantly wanted to write a note back.” -Ashley

“Most times nothing…but I wouldn’t turn down a Swig drink and a cookie!” -Morgan

“I just love a sweet text offering help, and knowing someone is there if I really needed something!” -Nicky

“When I’m sick its nice to have someone bring dinner over! When my kids are sick, maybe dinner too?” -Taylor

“Besides some food, maybe a sickness care package. Clorox wipes for surfaces, white vinegar for toys, extra tissues and children’s Tylenol or whatever they’re using at the moment. And some onions, chopped up onions under bed while your kids are sleeping work miracles, seriously!” -Trish

“I’ve never asked for help, but if someone wanted to give service, then a meal quickly dropped off would be very welcomed.” -Stephanie

How do you feel about asking for help? Do you have any different opinions or ideas? I’d love to hear!



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