Have you tried mirror parenting?

So, I figured out something last year, when we lived in an apartment with a big sliding mirror door. When I played in there with my kids, I was so much more aware of how I was interacting with them, and how they were seeing me. Were they seeing me with a vacant, tired, or impatient face? Or were they seeing me with love, excitement to play with them, and an interest in them? It was definitely the former when I first started observing.

This (along with one of my favorite parenting books I mentioned last week, Playful Parenting) was such a helpful resource in helping me interact with my kids in positive and loving ways. And even more importantly, making sure my interactions come across that way to them.

Often, lately, when I feel myself getting tired/cranky/preoccupied I’ll do a refresh of this. I’ll sit with my kids in front of a mirror and just play with them. Its such a simple thing that has been so fun and helpful. I’ll find myself making silly faces more, tickling them more, smiling more, and just having a better time overall.

Have you ever tried mirror parenting? Do you have any parenting tricks that help you be a better parent?


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