What are you up to this weekend? We are going on a Swamp Tour this weekend with Nick and his co-workers! I’m so excited, I’ve been dying to do one ever since we moved to Louisiana. I hope you enjoy your weekend, and that you can stay cool in the crazy heat. Here are some of my favorite links this week…
I want to make pretty much every one of these to eat during July.
This is one of my all time favorite messages. It’s helped me at so many different times in my life, and it helped me again this week when I was going through a slump.
My favorite Trader Joe’s find this week. And for only $1.99!
While we were at Trader Joe’s getting the previously mentioned find, Jay found a bunch of crumpled up flowers on the floor in one of the aisles and was concerned about the mess. A worker hurried over and gathered the flower petals and put them in her pocket and told Jay she would put them in her compost pile. I was so impressed! I know hardly anything about composting, so I looked it up. This is what we found, and it looks so simple. I think we’ll start this week! Have you ever tried composting?
I’m going to rent this book from the library this week to start getting ideas on how to decorate our house for the fall. I follow the author on Instagram and I love her!
My Mom would always wear real pajamas to bed growing up, not sweat pants or a baggy t-shirt, and she always looked so classy and put together. I’m considering trying these ones to do the same.
I was googling how to tie a neck scarf to figure out how to wear this cute one I just got from Madewell. And this article showed some super cool ideas.
A cool podcast that I’ve been listening to.
I saw this a couple months back and was so inspired by it. I’ve used the ideas from it when talking to friends who have lost a loved one and I really feel like its made a difference.
My favorite breakfast cookies. And they’re SO easy to make and so healthy. We’ve been making these for years.