This photo is a flashback to my parents cabin that we visited a few weeks ago! It’s one of my favorite places on earth. It’s been raining for pretty much the past two weeks straight here in Baton Rouge so we haven’t been able to get out and do much. But tomorrow is supposed to be good weather, *fingers crossed* so we are hoping to make it to the farmers market tomorrow with some friends! Are you doing anything fun this weekend? Here are a few of my favorite links from around the web this week..
If you have a son you *need* to read this It’s such an amazing article!
Have you ever tried Mochi at a sushi restaurant? This store now allows you to buy mochi in a fun, new way. We went and tried it and it was awesome.
This made me laugh, probably a little too hard.
My favorite TED talk. I quoted the speaker in it on Instagram this week, she is so inspiring!
I’m dying to get this dress. Especially while its on sale.
I read this book (and this one
and this one
that follow it) with my best friend last summer and it is now one of my favorites of all time! A really fun summer read.
This was a nice article about kids and their scientific need to be outside. Most of it is applicable to adults too!
I really want to try this trend this summer. Have you tried it?
A friend and I made this dessert for the first time last night, and it they turned out really yummy.
Because its Canada’s 150th birthday this year (tomorrow actually!), these are all free to visit this year! We’re hoping to plan a trip up in the fall.
I hope you have a great weekend!